Goals for rehab

After a brief flirtation with coming home from rehab early, Dagmar has decided that she has a lot to gain from finishing out at least her two weeks here. She has set some goals for rehab including gaining range in her new knee, getting past the need for opioid pain killers, preparing her apartment for her return, and setting up a clear PT and nursing strategy at home. Mary Jo taught her some new skills yesterday and plans some more bodywork with Dagmar next week.

One thought on “Goals for rehab”

  1. That is a great decision! For my last hip replacement, I wish I had been going to PT more (insurance ran out too soon).

    I had a lot fewer issues with pain. I’m kind of puzzled by that part of the process. Did they withhold medication on that front?

    I also learned that pain is kind of subjective and performance is a better indicator of the meds working – Can I walk a little further? Can I get out of the car a little easier? – stuff like that.

    Keep working on it Dagmar!

    Love you,


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