“The 15th brings a total lunar eclipse to North America, the first of two this year. The Moon enters penumbra at 6:05 P.M., reaches totality at 9:06 P.M (when it will appear coppery red), and leaves penumbra at 11:15 P.M.” – The Old Farmer’s Almanac, 2003
NOTE: Western Edition quoted, adjust times accordingly
All posts by pamhoffman
JPL Open House
JPL’s annual Open House event will proceed this year during the weekend of May 17th and 18th. Details can be found at their website: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/pso/oh.html
JPL Visitor’s Day Tour
Today, I’m going to participate in the Saddleback College Astronomy and Physics Club outing to JPL. I will write up some of the things I learn about and add them to this blog.
MAY, The Fifth Month
from The Old Farmer’s Almanac, 2003
“May is an exciting month. Mars busts through zero magnitude as it explosively brightens and rises by 2:00 A.M. Saturday crosses into Orion’s raised arm at midmonth and lurks low in the west at nightfall. Mercury passes in front of the sun on the 7th. This transit, visible at sunrise, can be seen from the eastern half of North America, the first time in many years; eye protection is essential. The 15th brings a total lunar eclipse to North America, the first of two this year. The Moon enters penumbra at 6:05P.M., Reaches totality at 9:06P.M (when it will appear coppery red), and leaves penumbra at 11:15 P.M.
NOTE: Western Edition quoted, adjust times accordingly
Space Access Society Conference
Attended the 10th annual Space Access Society Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Mt. Wilson Tour and Observing
Got the opportunity to visit the Mt. Wilson Observatory with the Astronomy and Physics Club, Saddleback College.