I finished Half-Life 2 just now. This was difficult, not because of the game, that was easy. The difficult part was finding the strength to stick with one game for so long. But I did it. Time to move on I guess… Nate
Author Archives: Nate Celeste
Ground Rules
I decided to set up some ground rules for this adventure of mine. They are as follows:
- Try to play at least 30min a day
- All game difficulties must be set to normal or difficult
- I can’t move on to another game until I finish my current game
- Multiplayer with my other friends in games like Minecraft, Planetside 2, or even Borderlands 2 is ok.
Talk to you again soon – Nate
Game #1: Half-Life 2
I decided to start this adventure off with a game I’ve played before, the ever classic Half-Life 2. This game was originally produced by Valve in 2008, but remains a classic for any gamer today. For those of you have never heard of Half-Life 2 before, it is the second part of saga of Gordan Freeman (your character). You guide Gordan Freeman through a dystopian alternate history of Earth, where the resources of the planet, including the human race itself, are being harvested by an oppressive multidimensional empire, known as the Combine. Sounds fun, right?
Update you on my progress soon – Nate
Gaming Adventure
I’ve decided to start a gaming adventure! I currently have 92 games in my steam account, half of which I have never even played. I’m going to attempt to play all of my games from start to finish. Hence, my gaming adventure. And if you are at all interested in my progress, I’ll be blogging here with my progress in games, maybe even with some reviews or Lets Plays.
See ya again soon – Nate