We have petitions for calming Lincoln

We now have two petitions for calming traffic on Lincoln Avenue as part of next year’s RSVP project. One petition supports two “bumpouts” along the north side of Lincoln Avenue. The other supports a “circle” at Lincoln and Prior.

We need advocates to help circulate these petitions. If you are interested, please contact Eric (651-323-2009) right away. We only have until 13 January to gain 75% support!

The city sent along detailed drawings to illustrate these petitions. The illustration below is a composite of those drawings. Click on any of the light areas to see each drawing in detail.


The circle petition includes this illustration of the circle (PDF) and reads:

We the undersigned property owners/residents, hereby petition the City of Saint Paul to cause the following:

  • Build a permanent traffic circle on Prior Avenue South at Lincoln Avenue with no parking near corners.

This petition requires 75% support from neighbors on Lincoln between Cleveland and Howell.


The bumpout petition includes these illustrations of bumpouts (PDF) and reads:

We the undersigned property owners/residents, hereby petition the City of Saint Paul to cause the following:

  • Install intersection bumpout on the northeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and Cleveland Avenue South and establish no parking on southside of Lincoln from Cleveland to 130’ east.
  • Install mid-block bumpout on northside of Lincoln Avenue at or near 1993 Lincoln and establish no parking on southside , 20 feet either side of bumpout.

This petition requires 75% support from neighbors on Lincoln between Cleveland and Prior.