The Center for Social Media has released a report entitled “Recut, reframe, recycle: Quoting copyrighted material in user-generated video” that helps to support such practices. Good for them — and for all of us who want to support creative cultural productions!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
SCMS fair use statement
The Society for Cinema and Media Studies has issued a statement of best practices for fair use in teaching in film and media studies.
Site continues to grow
Check out where we are these days! You can now search for contributions via tags, reviews, and keywords. You can subscribe to a specific search using RSS. You can share contributions you like with friends, either via various email routes or through a variety of social bookmarking tools. We have three active groups contributing materials, and a whole HOST of pieces that the ELCA has put up, and you can navigate the site in English, Spanish or German (French, Portuguese and Korean are on the way.) Check it out!
Future thoughts
At some point down the road, Feautor may grow enough that we will want to think about its institutional freedom. I don’t want to lose this set of principles, that the Creative Commons folk are using as they considering spinning off ccMixter.
Open Source Shakespeare
Here’s a fun site, just for the joy of it: the Open Source Shakespeare project.
Media ed and copyright
Here’s a useful report and smart thinking about questions of copyright in the context of media education.
Open Source Cineman
Here’s a fun project that seeks to produce, collaboratively, a documentary about copyright issues in the digital age.
Open to tryout!
Carlos has been working hard on the site, and it is now open in ways that you can begin to try it out. We’re still working on translations for the navigation, so right now you can really only navigate in English and Spanish. Hopefully we’ll soon have the German, French, Korean and Portuguese up. In the meantime, please take a look at it. Try uploading a contribution or two, or at least reading what’s up there already, and adding a tag or two, or a review. Please let us know what your experience of the site is, because we’d like to have it working well when we finally “announce” it more publicly.
Writing terms statements
Here’s a useful site — OwnTerms — for help with writing the legal term statements that need to be on many websites. And yes, that’s what we’re up to right now on the FeAutor site — trying to get the legal language down in time for our beta release (soon!).
Good Copy, Bad Copy
I haven’t seen this film yet, but it explores the issue of global music piracy, and Lawrence Lessig appears in it, as well as DJ Danger Mouse. You can access it for free on the net (and are invited to do so!). I imagine it’s definitely worth viewing, and I’ll let you know what I think once I’ve finished downloading it and have a chance to watch it.