The MacArthur spotlight blog has started a series of posts explaining/exploring ways in which credibility is built in participatory environments. Definitely worth understanding in the context of our OSRR project!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Religion and wikis
Sansblogue has written an “SBL Forum wiki edition” — with a great set of links off to a variety of articles and sites that engage the use of wikis in religious scholarship.
Open source bible translation
Tim Bulkeley posts an interesting reflection on possible implications of open source development for biblical translation.
Spanish blogs
Here’s a great introduction to Spanish language blogs.
RFP ready to be shared
We’re ready! We finally have the request for proposals drafted, translated, and signed off on. You can access it in English and en Español on our website. Please help us spread this far and wide so that we can find that person, institution, organization or group who can build it for us. The deadline for bids is December 15, 2006.
Creative Commons and flickr
Here’s a nice piece, posted at MediaShift’s website, about the emergence of creative commons licenses in relation to photography and flickr.
OpenEd resources
Here’s a lovely little quicktime movie reflecting on open education resources. I received the link from TheCorner, but I haven’t yet figured out who did the piece — which may be part of the point?
Open access and SBL
Nice piece in the Society of Biblical Literature forum about open access issues with journals.
Unbounded freedom
Thanks to Lessig’s blog for pointing to this new publication from The British Council and Counterpoint. It’s a “guide to creative commons thinking for cultural organizations.”
A comment from the ICDE
SkateoftheWeb notes, very briefly, that the ICDE world conference this year focused on Open and Distance Education. It was held in Rio — anyone out there have more to add about what was shared there?