Here are more possibilities:
Here are more possibilities:
Lots of suggestions for names have started to come in. Please use the comments here to let us know what you think. Here is what we’ve received so far: or (both mean “spring” or “well”)
Karibu (Swahili for welcome)
open blessings, perhaps in Spanish “abrir las bendiciones”
The next step in our process is to hunt for an appropriate name for this project. Somehow “OSRR” doesn’t quite have much ring to it. (Maybe that can be a sub-title?) Please use this blog’s comments line to make suggestions, or email them to mhess at luthersem dot edu, and I’ll post them here.
The OSRR technical committee is pleased to announce that after very careful consideration we have finally chosen a team to build the project site. All together we received seven very serious proposals, and it took us a long time to sort through them. We also waited to make this announcement until we had finalized a contract.
Now we are happy to note that Carlos Rubén Jacobs and his team, based in Argentina, will build the site! Many of you may already be familiar with their work, which can be found at the Selah site.
We hope you will stay involved with us as we move forward. Subscribe to this blog, and you can stay up to date on all we’re doing.