Crosswinds Intersession at the Capitol

Many intersession students are going to have an exciting day at the Minnesota Capitol this Thursday (2/14) as they spend Valentines Day learning a bit about how state government works. Ms. Siskow launched the field trip as a chance for the Crosswinds World Savvy team to get some recognition for their 2nd place in the World Savvy National Competition for their “Knowledge to Action Plan,” which entailed a plan for using water straws and education program to teacher villagers in third-world countries how to clean water for drinking. They will be recognized at a hearing of the House Education Policy Committee at 10am (feel free to join them in the hearing room in the basement of the State Office Building).

But the trip has become a much bigger event. Other students from her social studies class expressed interest, and now Ms. Siskow is taking a whole group of students not only to the hearing (which will address reforms in integration funding), but also to meet a number of state representatives and state senators, including Rep. JoAnn Ward and Sen. Susan Kent who represent the district where Crosswinds sits.

This will be a wonderful opportunity for our students to see their representatives in action and make their voices heard at the Capitol. It will also be a great orientation for what we expect will be hearings in the coming weeks on the Perpich legislation to take on governance of Crosswinds.

3 thoughts on “Crosswinds Intersession at the Capitol

  1. Holly Ingersoll

    If my son, Ihsan, a 6th grader, is so inclined, can he go, too? He is attending intercession and is do inclined…

  2. efc Post author

    Holly, I would suggest you contact Principal Bass about this question, 651–379-2601. I am not sure which teachers are going along or how they set the criteria for students. You would, of course, be welcome to bring him to the Capitol yourself if the field trip does not work out, but I know that can be logistically a challenge for many families.

    1. Holly Ingersoll

      Thanks, Eric. I left Principal Bass a detailed message and my phone number. If it works out great! If not, he’s having fun beat boxing and hip hop dancing. – Hollly

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