Integration Task Force Notes

First and most important: this is not the official website of the Integration Revenue Replacement Advisory Task Force. The official website is at the Minnesota Department of Education and you should go there for the official story. This page is being maintained by one EMID parent. I am trying to attend each task force meeting and share notes with other EMID parents. Here are a few recent updates:

More updates can be found below.

The task force was convened “to develop recommendations for repurposing integration revenue funds to create and sustain opportunities for improved educational outcomes that narrow and close the academic achievement gap.” They began meeting in November 2011 and finalized their report on 7 February 2012. It was passed along to the Minnesota Legislature on 15 February 2012. The Legislature has taken no action to date.

If you feel like writing to the task force, they can be reached at


IMG 0123


On 7 February 2012 the task force voted 10-2 to approve a report to the legislature. This document includes the minority reports.


These are various documents the committee referred to during its deliberations. Note, an overlapping, but not identical, set of documents can be found on their own official website.


Some resources have been mentioned either at the task force meetings or in other contexts. This is by no means an exhaustive list, feel free to suggest additions!


2 thoughts on “Integration Task Force Notes

  1. Pingback: MPR: An Imperfect Revolution, Voices from the Desegregation Era | EMID Families

  2. Pingback: Joint Committee Hearing on Integration | EMID Families

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