Interim Principal for Crosswinds

EMID Superintendent Brenda Cassellius asked that we share this message with EMID Families.


Last week I sent an e-mail informing you that Crosswinds Principal Anne Andersen and Crosswinds Assistant Principal Roger Kocinski have decided to retire. Since that announcement, I have met with staff, parents, and the site council at Crosswinds to better understand what characteristics they feel are most important in a new leader and to determine our next steps.

Overwhelmingly, staff and parents suggested we hire an interim principal to quickly get off to a great start to the school year. They also suggested posting the position and interviewing as soon as possible in order to secure our next leader.

Crosswinds staff expressed wanting a principal who knows urban and suburban youth as well as someone with tough love, consistent discipline, and connectedness with students and families. Someone who will push teachers, but also be supportive. Someone who can be flexible yet make the hard call. Someone who understands IB and MYP and can help with instruction and assessment. Someone inspiring.

The parents want a person who knows teenagers and can relate to their many developmental needs. They want someone who is a good communicator and has demonstrated experience with parent engagement. They also want someone who brings a high level of integrity and understands diversity. They also want a tough love kind of person.

I considered these desired qualities in a school leader and made several inquiries within the Twin Cities educational community. After careful consideration, I have selected Bryan Bass, former principal of Brooklyn Center High School, as interim principal for Crosswinds. Bryan is an experienced instructional leader and respected high school principal. At BC High School, he decreased suspensions, increased the number of graduates going on to post-secondary education, and partnered with the community to open an onsite clinic of wrap-around services so students could get things such as eyeglasses and medical exams.

Despite this long list of accomplishments, the federal No Child Left Behind rules forced Brooklyn Center to replace Bryan after the school failed to make “adequate yearly progress” quickly enough to satisfy the government¹s guidelines. I want to address this issue directly. I have complete confidence in Bryan’s abilities to ensure we have a great start and don¹t lose ground in the weeks ahead. He is a “no excuses” educational leader – as am I. We both believe in high expectations for all of our students and we understand that transformational change takes time. While I believe accountability is key in improving our schools, I also know a school¹s success hinges on a community of teachers, principals, students, and those who support learning.

We will post immediately for the permanent position and begin interviews mid-September. I have carefully weighed all the options before us and feel placing a strong interim at Crosswinds and taking our time to find the best person for the job is the prudent course of action. Bryan has agreed to the interim position for as long as needed while we search for our next permanent principal. I have attached his resume for your review.

Please join me in welcoming Bryan Bass to our community of learners at Crosswinds. A welcome reception will be held Wednesday, August 18 at 6:30 PM for staff and parents. Those who are unable to attend next week are invited to meet him at our open house on September 2.

