We will meet at Crosswinds at 7pm on Wednesday 4/23. We will be in the “health” room behind the kitchens on the first floor. Please join us!
One note, I’m sorry to say we can’t guarantee child care, but kids are welcome to hang out in the health room while we meet.
Update: meeting notes are now posted if you read the rest of this article.
Julie, Bill, Kim, and Eric met on 4/23.
The 622 committee has not met, Kim is working on a schedule. We thought it might be helpful for active 622 parents to help EMID follow up with any parents who have not sent in “intent to return” forms to make sure everyone understands that transportation will not be an issue for next year. Eric will ask Kathy G. if this would be useful.
We are on the lookout for new 622 board candidates as well. Please alert EMID families if you become aware of anyone with an intent to run this year.
Bill plans to talk with Carl this week about a session on legislative issues and whether the person who helps EMID on capitol hill might be helpful. We decided that the best time for such an session for EMID families might be next November, soon after election day.
No new news, but see the idea in the 622 section about parents contacting parents about intent to return.
Eric will try to work through the list of items Heidi suggested we follow up on. He will contact Kathy G. about the EMID budget and whether there are any issues we should track there. We also thought it might be worthwhile to monitor the agendas of all the EMID participant school boards even if we can’t get to those meetings. Doing so would require one volunteer per district. If you are interested in this, please contact me at efc (at) clst (dot) org.
An update after the meeting on one topic discussed there is that the EMID board determined that it was not going to follow up on the suggestion of a digital video camera for the schools to record the board meetings. It sounds like the board calculated at the work session that getting professional-quality recordings of the board meetings would cost $8,000-12,000 per year, dwarfing the cost of equipment. This means that those families who had pledged to support the purchase of the camera are now officially off the hook.
Next Meeting
We decided not to meet in May, so our next EMID Families meeting will be in June, on 6/25 at 7pm. More details when we get closer to that date.