The East Metro Integration District (EMID) School Board will meet on Wednesday, October 19, at 5:30pm at Crosswinds School, 600 Weir Drive, Woodbury, MN. Please join us at this meeting!
Last week the EMID School Board decided it would hold two votes at the meeting on 10/19. One vote, for what they call “option one” will be a vote on whether to close Harambee and Crosswinds at the end of this school year. The other vote, for what they call “option two” will be to reduce the funding for the schools, but allow them to stay open and serving the children of our ten member school districts. There will be a chance for public testimony at the meeting this Wednesday. Raise your voice for our schools!
The full board packet (PDF) is available at EMID’s website.
Children are also welcome at the school board meeting. Those who can sit through the meeting will learn a lot about how their schools are governed. There will be child care provided during the school board meeting at Crosswinds for those kids who are potty trained but don’t have the patience for sitting through the meeting.
Translators will also be available.