About forty people attended an extended question and answer session with Sue Mackert last night at Crosswinds. In the notes below times in [brackets] are times in the audio recording included at the end of this post. Sue is the Executive Director of the Perpich Center for Arts Education, which has made a proposal to take over Crosswinds.
Superintendent Mohr began with a few general introductory statements. She announced this week’s EMID board discussion meeting (Wednesday 1/16, 6pm, Harambee) and next week’s EMID board decision-making meeting (Wednesday 1/23, 5:30pm, Harambee). Public comment will only be invited at next week’s meeting.
Sue Mackert then made some comments [04:20] and began answering questions. “The only reason we are here is because you have all — family, staff, and students — built a wonderful wonderful program.” She stressed that Perpich wants to keep the school functioning “as is.” Perpich is a state agency, so there would be some “normal changes” that would be required, including work with the legislature to get authority and funding to run Crosswinds [09:00]. Perpich wants to be prepared to step in July 1, as the EMID board requested initially.
Would you change the makeup of the school? [10:00] Perpich intends to maintain 6-10 program at Crosswinds.
Would you keep maintenance and nutrition staff, teachers? [10:30] Yes, yes, yes. This is not an unfriendly takeover. What we have is special and Perpich will not “muck with it.”
Sue described the budget request process [11:00]. Don’t expect Crosswinds in the initial Governor’s budget. A special bill for Crosswinds would only emerge after an EMID board decision on 1/23. First deadline for bills is in March.
What is the Perpich experience working with the legislature? [12:40] Perpich has been working with the legislature for over 27 years. Perpich has done quite well because it is efficient and good at what it does. Sue feels it is appropriate to be accountable to the legislature and respond to legislator questions. “I always approach the legislature with a level of optimism.” Also working with Governor and his staff, Department of Education, and other agencies.
Will you still pull students from same districts that are currently at Crosswinds? [15:10] Yes, for the most part, though Perpich would not restrict attendance to only those districts.
Transportation? [15:55] Transportation is still “up in the air” since the due diligence work awaits the 1/23 EMID board decision.
Proportion of Saint Paul students? [16:30] Perpich is not tied to the same school districts and parent and guardian choice would drive student attendance, but the expectation is it would be similar to current attendance.
Would current students have to reapply? [17:20] No, no reapplication necessary to stay at Crosswinds.
11th and 12th grade? [17:50] Such an expansion for Crosswinds is not on the immediate horizon. Such changes would be part of a future planning process. But first goal is to stabilize and consistency. Perpich has no preconceived ideas, it wants to keep the school successful.
Year-round? [19:05] Yes, it will remain year-round.
Special education services? [19:10] Absolutely, these services would be present.
Who determines whether Perpich or one of the other two proposals will get to move ahead? [19:20] The EMID board will determine which proposal to move ahead. Perpich’s role would start after 1/23 when the board has made its decision.
Why does the educational budget take till May or June to resolve and what part can families play in that process? [21:00] “It is the largest pot of money and it is difficult.” Perpich intends to have a bill separate from the big education bill, so it might emerge sooner. But it is complex.
What are key messages for our own legislators, when should we call? [22:30] We will want letters and contact with your legislators. The first call Sue will make after the 23rd will be to the Governor’s office. “Then you will see me again and again and again.” Perpich currently has a 2/14 day to “take love to the Capitol.”
What is the Perpich board and will it oversee Crosswinds too? [24:30] PCAE is governed by a board appointed by the governor. They are the governing body for Perpich. They would be the governing body for Crosswinds. There would probably be an advisory committee to work with family and staff as well.
Enrollment is an issue, will your board work with us to help develop enrollment? [26:25] Yes, Perpich board will work to help staff develop a plan. But Sue said she was not “overly concerned in the beginning about enrollment” given the uncertainty of the past few years and next few months. But we will rebuild.
Is it important to have a “Plan B” as parents and staff? [28:00] Having a Plan B is solid advice. However, Sue thinks she will know before May if it won’t work out and she will let us know. “But I expect good things.”
Registration in February and bussing? [29:25] If you need to register in Saint Paul or elsewhere in February, go ahead and register so you have a Plan B. The bussing question will be addressed after 1/23. Our bill in the legislature would include what is required for the full program at Crosswinds.
Will the name stay “Crosswinds?” [30:30] Yes. The name is part of the value and identity.
Might Perpich run out of money after getting this started, have other state agencies failed as they worked on educational facilities? [31:20] Three sets of state agency schools: academies for deaf and blind, correctional institutions, and Perpich. Sue stresses that neither she nor Governor would support a takeover of Crosswinds on a short term basis. The funding is critical to success.
Would Perpich bring more after-school programming back? [34:50] Not sure yet, not sure what the current budget supports.
Would we bring back the seven period day? [35:35] It gets a little ahead of ourselves to consider these changes now.
Where is the Perpich Arts High School? [36:30] In Golden Valley, on the site of an old Lutheran College.
Does a change in Governor turnover the Perpich board? [37:30] Appointments to the board are staggered, so it never turns over all at once. Perpich also has the opportunity to advise the Governor on appointments.
Could Perpich get governance but not funding? [38:30] There is a possibility that the EMID board could give Perpich a green light but the legislature not provide authority and funding. Superintendent Mohr said this was an issue for the EMID board. This would impact decisions for staff and families. There is “an unsureity” said Mohr.
When will we know for sure, one way or the other? [41:00] The board deliberates on 1/16, makes its decision on 1/23. Two decisions, one on school closure, then another decision on transfer of governance.
[42:18] A point is made about families role in communicating our desires to the EMID board. Families must be clear about our tolerance for uncertainty in pursuing the Perpich option. Stress that our board could allow the Perpich option and if it fails, turn the facility over to one of the other proposals.
Have all member districts been informed of all proposals? [44:20] A student relates an experience with a superintendent that indicates they may not be fully aware of the extent of the Perpich proposal. Mohr describes a special meeting with superintendents and business managers.
Public comment at board meetings? [46:00] No public comment on 1/16, but there will be a public forum on 1/23 at 5:30pm at Harambee.
If Perpich does not get funding would EMID board fund the takeover? [47:20] Probably would not fit within the guidelines of the joint powers agreement. Also, the board will have already voted to close the schools before they vote on governance.
[48:30] A teacher makes a plea to keep the Harambee and Crosswinds closures in sync so that employee rights are preserved.
Would the EMID maintenance reserve transfer to Perpich (or Roseville)? [49:20] This maintenance money would be transferred to member districts under the joint powers agreement.
What kind of offers will be made for teacher positions? [51:20] Perpich intends to keep the staffing the same. It is normal during a takeover for people to reapply for their positions. There is a legal process that will have to take place, but the intent is to make this a smooth transition that protects employees.
How did it happen that the Arts High School was set up as 11th and 12th grade? [53:10] This was a compromise that came about partly due to the housing situation at the high school. Perpich actually also has authority for a 13th year, though that has not been used yet.
What would the relationship between 6-10 Crosswinds and 11-12 Arts High School be? [55:10] The synergies are very strong between the programs. Arts and science, global initiatives, and a commitment to profession development for teachers are all common opportunities. Each will have its own integrity, but there will also be some potential for collaboration between the two.
[57:20] Student points out some of the current Perpich involvement with Crosswinds students and events.
[58:20] Sue wraps up with: “This is tough on everyone. I am sorry that you are in this position. I am proud the EMID board is going to do something about it. Just continue to support one another through all of this. Thank you very very much.”
The times in [brackets] above refer to this MP3 audio recording of the question/answer session.