Petition for Perpich Leadership of Crosswinds

During 10 June and 6 July 2013 we collected signatures on a petition that read:

The East Metro Integration District (EMID) is considering a management agreement with the Perpich Center for Arts Education to allow the Crosswinds Arts & Science School to stay open for the next school year. We petition the EMID school board to:

Allow Crosswinds to remain open under Perpich leadership beginning in the 2013-2014 school year.

269 signatures were collected.

151 identified their affiliation: 47% parents, 39% friends, 9% students, 5% staff.

46 told us their plans for staying with Crosswinds under Perpich: 87% yes, 13% no.

56 “plan B” alternatives were shared with us, including:

  • 8: AFSA
  • 6: Open World Learning
  • 4: Creative Arts High School
  • 4: SPCPA
  • 3: Avalon
  • 3: Great River
  • 3: Johnson
  • 3: South St Paul High School
  • 2: MN Virtual Academy
  • 2: South St Paul High School
  • 2: Woodbury High School
  • (the rest were only one each)

The full results, including all signatures and comments, are available in this 2013 EMID Families Petition Report.

This petition and survey was available in English and Spanish.
