
Before lunch we are commenting and discussing any of what we’ve shared this morning.

We’ve now broken for lunch, we will be starting up again at 1:30 pm (CST).

Tito notes that through his institution there is potential for partnerships in Asian contexts. Might there be other sources of funding for pilot projects? For example, a particular seminary with connections to particular communities might build a funded pilot project with those communities. They could both produce content for the site and consider how to share techniques for making use of the site.

We could use a name (maybe even an acronym!) for this site. Any ideas?

There are real issues of digital divide. The core of the site could be simple enough that it could run well in a dial-up context as well as a broadband context. (In some contexts, the US looks backwards.)

Can we also encourage “south-to-south” kinds of interactions? Listservs, discussion groups?