my walk
My dad forced me to go on a horrible walk through the woods. There were too many steep up hills and all the down hills were too steep. The only good part was the graffiti at the bottom.
Filed under: Uncategorized on February 22nd, 2007
My dad forced me to go on a horrible walk through the woods. There were too many steep up hills and all the down hills were too steep. The only good part was the graffiti at the bottom.
Filed under: Uncategorized on February 22nd, 2007
[…] blog about experiences that are shared by my family — often with very different perceptions. Nathaniel’s first (and thus far only) post from Austria in his own blog gives you a hint of his experiences to date. Yet if you read […]
Hey Nathaniel, I bet you felt GREAT after that walk though. All that fresh air. Amazing. Listen, should I NOT have included my last name in here? I’ve never been in on of these before. We had a snowstorm this morning as I was coming over the pass and I passed a guy riding a bike and carrying his skis over his shoulders on the way UP the pass, made me think of you treking up that hill. 🙂 Hope you guys are well. Love, Aunt Susan
I LIKED walking with you, Nathaniel, even if you had a horrible time. So… when are you going to blog some more? I’m eager to hear what you’re up to, while I’m here in DC. HUGS, Mom
Heh heh. I read about that. I would’ve hated it too; I’m out of shape and would’ve tired quickly. XD I think the graffiti looks weird, personally. And, dude, it’s graffiti. Isn’t that illegal or something? Oh, wait, it’s Austria. I dunno a thing about how they work. Is it? *puzzled* O.o