club penguin is a great online game for kids. I have alerdy done just one day and have gotten 23 friends. and a great igloo. people should try it.
Filed under: fun, non-fiction on June 14th, 2007 | Comments Off on club penguin
I forgot to write yesterday so here it is. today I went on a crazy walk in the woods.We went up to jagerwise and back down it took 3 hours. anyway how are you guys doing??????? bye
Filed under: Uncategorized on June 12th, 2007 | Comments Off on oops
hi guys how are you. I just got back from a trip around austria. what did you do this week? in our trip we went to salzburg for two days. Then we went to hallstatt for 3 days. My dad and I went peddle-boating on the in the lake nearby hallsatt It was really fun!!!!!!!
again am sorry for not writing that much in mai oops may
Filed under: non-fiction on June 7th, 2007 | Comments Off on sorry again
hi guys
a lot of you have asked what huska ball is. Well it is a home made sport that is like soccer on a hill. 2 to 1000000000.0000000000000.0000000000000.00000000 [well you get the point] people. we use 3. I would suggest 2 or 4. I just heard about the tick infestation. ouch!!!
Filed under: non-fiction, replies on June 6th, 2007 | Comments Off on huska ball
Hi guys
I just started school. I’m doing spelling and math timings,share and physics. Oma also has a fox coming in and she feeds it. Today I went on a walk at 18:30 oops 6:30 down kahlenberg and got back at 7:30. I also fell and got cut on the leg.
Bye and by
Filed under: Uncategorized on June 4th, 2007 | Comments Off on late walk/starting school
I’m really missing everybody! What are you guy’s up to? I’m doing my homework right now. please leave a comment telling what your doing. Thanks
Filed under: Uncategorized on May 3rd, 2007 | 2 Comments »
Today I did a project on sports here in Wien. It turns out that here it is mostly soccer but International teams. In the states it is mostly national teams and different sports. We got this from the newspaper.
Filed under: school on May 2nd, 2007 | Comments Off on soccer
hi guys
I just wrote a comic book called My house. hope you enjoy!! my dad is making me write more. But I don’t know what to write. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Filed under: Uncategorized on May 1st, 2007 | 1 Comment »
Hi guy’s
I’m sorry I haven’t written in so long. I thought you might have forgotten me!! so hi and bye
Filed under: Uncategorized on April 30th, 2007 | Comments Off on sorry
my dad got a infection that caused a rash. he also got a swollen knee so he can’t walk for 3 weeks.He also has a whole slu of drugs he has to take.
Filed under: non-fiction on April 20th, 2007 | Comments Off on my dad