The Saint Paul Foundation has been offered a grant by the Kellogg Foundation to conduct conversations concerning race, providing training for community members so that we can better function as a multi racial team in our combined work and service together. We have set up such a “workshop conversation” at Crosswinds for staff and parents and community members from Harambee, Crosswinds and any other interested members.
Leslye Taylor, the mother of a Crosswinds 7th grader, has already gathered over 20 people to take part in this conversation. But there is still room for more! If you would like to participate, please email Leslye as soon as possible.
The conversation will be at Crosswinds on Monday, March 5, from 5-8pm. It will be a potluck dinner, more details will be shared when you RSVP to Leslye.
If you’d like to read a blurb about this endeavor, visit The Saint Paul Foundation. The woman smiling in the front is Sharon Goens, one of the two facilitators we would have opportunity to work with.