Heidi shared a Coordination update with the group today. One proposal she makes is that the group as a whole meet again on Tuesday, March 18th at 6:30. Feel free to share your yes or no in the comments.
For the rest of this (extensive) update, read below the fold.
Heidi writes…
Just talked this afternoon with Kathy on a few subjects for Coordination. Here’s an update:
- Marketing meeting with EMID is tonight, Kathy will cover areas of focus and opportunities for Families participation or contribution to the marketing efforts of district staff.
- Thanks to Amy for providing the summary/notes from the MDCC community event from the end of February!
- Amy sent her notes to Kathy as a courtesy for her review before posting on our website, as discussed at the Coordination meeting last month – thanks! This is really done as a courtesy and to aid in coordination, but also will assure the accuracy of our notes (I know mine tend to be scribbled quickly) and other EMID-related or sourced postings. Kathy will be prompt in reviews so we can get important stuff up on the site as quickly as possible. Next up would be the Marketing-EMID meeting notes/summary.
- Thanks for posting the 622 family survey, this will be a big help in getting more responses. They are requested back at the end of this week, March 7th. Please encourage your 622 family friends to send it in – it will provide some real info for future transportation and open enrollment planning purposes.
There are also a few EMID meeting items to post:
- Next EMID Board meeting is Wednesday, March 12, 6:00pm at Harambee.
- Crosswinds Site Council met last night – would someone be able to provide an update for the website? Next meeting is Monday April 7th, 6:30 pm at Crosswinds.
- Next Harambee Site Council meeting is tonight at 6:00pm at Harambee – would someone be able to provide an update for the website?
On another Coordination note, one of the things Coordination is supposed to do is to keep the group going… so in that spirit, how about another large group meeting? Some small groups haven’t met yet but that could happen during a large group meeting – a good opportunity to get both large group and small group stuff discussed or done or arranged or whatever needs to happen. Also we can discuss the Maple Grove-Osceola issue as suggested by Amy, what a great opportunity to make a difference outside of our own area. How about Tuesday March 18th at 6:30pm?
Same as last attempt to coordinate a date, just email me a Yes / No, or a suggested better date.
On a personal note: Anything else I should be doing or coordinating? Anything else I should be helping with? Give me a holler and let me know what else I can do.