Some Crosswinds theater updates from CASTS

Dear EMID parents, families, and community, here are several theatre announcements of which to be aware.

Our Silent Auction is next month during conferences, April 8/9, Noon-8pm. CASTS needs to raise several thousand dollars to help the theatre department’s production of West Side Story be as spectacular as the EMID community expects. Please contact Dave Zaiman or Bev Sellie directly to let us know if you can volunteer to work at the silent auction for a few hours. Remember, this is an important event and we need parents involved to be successful.

Donations are also needed for the Silent Auction.

Get creative! Everybody knows somebody who may be able to donate something. It doesn’t need to be a business owner! What about places where you a regular customer, like your neighbor restaurant, or perhaps your dry cleaner or car repair shop. They are more likely to donate if asked by someone they know as a good customer. Did you know that your SA points can be used for gift cards? That’s a great way to make a donation!

We have some great autographed photos from local pro teams, as well as some other nice items. We could still use some donations of NEW items, theme baskets (spa day, or Movie night etc….), services, etc. Here are some examples:

  • 3 hours of raking (great for our theatre students to group together and do!)
  • Restaurant Gift Cards
  • Tickets to sporting events
  • Golf or Soccer baskets
  • free baby sitting services
  • basket of yarn, patterns, and knitting needles
  • home improvement – themed items all in a bucket
  • books or posters
  • Music lessons
  • 2 hours of individual homework help

In some cases, the company you are requesting a gift or donation from may require this official letter of request on Crosswinds letterhead.

All donations are tax deductible according to IRS regulations. Dave Zaiman can get the Tax ID and receipt to you or any vendor.

As part of the silent auction, we hope to have a “Blind” Gift Card Purchase. Families will be able to purchase an envelope containing a gift card valued at or above the value of the card or gift certificate. They are guaranteed to at least get a card for the amount they paid for the envelope. But to make it more exciting, there will be some cards with much higher values than what was paid! Example: You pay $20 for an envelope. Inside, there will be a gift card worth at least $20, but it could be worth $50 or $100. We need donated gift cards for this. See the note above about seeking donations.

Please drop off your donation at the Crosswinds Office with a note that it is for the Silent Auction – attention Dave Z. Please include your name and the approximate retail value of the item donated. This helps us determine starting bids. Also, if we have any questions about the item, we’d like to be able to reach you. The deadline for donations is Friday, April 5.

Also remember the upcoming Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, April 27th. We will need volunteers! Please let us know if you can help.