Support Our Teachers

Our Crosswinds and Harambee teachers are facing difficult choices as they approach an April 15 deadline for signing up for new positions in member districts. This is particularly painful for Crosswinds teachers, who do not yet know if it will even be possible to continue at Crosswinds next year, and so they must choose positions elsewhere just in case.

During the parent-teacher conferences this coming Monday and Tuesday, April 8 and 9, we would like to ask you to help feed our teachers! Let them know we care by helping to provide dinner on these two conference evenings. Torria and Bryan are planning the meals and they could use your help. Please contact Torria (651.379.2603, if you can help provide portions of either of the following meals:

  • Monday, April 8, Soup, salad, build your own sandwiches
  • Tuesday, April 9, Italian spaghetti, salad, French bread

If you can’t bring food, but still want to help, please donate to this Razoo fundraiser. You are also welcome to donate cash to Torria at the office.

Also, when you attend conferences on Monday and Tuesday, keep an eye out for a banner where you will be able to write out your own message of care and encouragement for our wonderful teachers!