As you probably heard this evening on the news, the Minnesota House defeated the bonding bill, HF270. Until yesterday, the language supporting the Perpich takeover of Crosswinds was part of this bonding bill. Both the team working to get Roseville support for Harambee and the team working to get Perpich support for Crosswinds are now focussed on getting this supporting language into the education omnibus bill (HF630/SF453).
The education omnibus contents will be determined by the Education (E-12) Conference Committee which may meet later tonight or tomorrow. In any case, we are down to the wire. Now would be a great time for calls asking your legislators to support Crosswinds and Harambee in the education omnibus. They will be there late into the night tonight, and all weekend. But the sooner you call the better. Make sure to leave a message if their staff does not answer the phone, make it very clear you support the Perpich plan to govern Crosswinds.
The members of this conference committee are Senators Wiger, Torres Ray, Stumpf, Johnson, and Dahle, and Representatives Marquart, Mariani, Brynaert, Morgan, and Urdahl. If any of these folks are your own legislators, please make an extra effort to call them tonight expressing support for Crosswinds and Perpich.
We also had stories in the Pioneer Press and the Woodbury Bulletin growing out of our press conference yesterday. The facts are a bit dated since this is now moving so swiftly, but it was very good to see the coverage.
Thanks for all that you are doing to keep our schools serving future Minnesota students!