Perpich wins grant for Crosswinds-related project

The Perpich Center for Arts Education has won a $17,900 grant for a project that will leverage work Anna B. has done with the Crosswinds media center and local libraries into a statewide professional development project for literacy equity.

Here is the announcement from the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) awards by MDE:

Perpich Center for the Arts – $17,900

“Literacy Equity: Engaging Resourceful Community Knowledge”

Literacy Equity: Engaging Resourceful Community Knowledge will build and reinforce partnerships between school media centers and local community libraries so that both are better able to engage partnerships and resources in response to the emerging needs of their communities and provide targeted outreach to under-served populations. In this professional development project, participants will develop literacies related to improving water quality and building a cross-cultural school community around a particular community need. Participants will learn strategies for identifying and partnering with organizations, individuals and families to build collective literacy about the changing quality of our shared watersheds, and to better understand and share the cultural assets of the school and local communities.

Congratulations to Perpich and Crosswinds!