Crosswinds bill passes Senate Education Committee, 3/6

After a year of delay, the Minnesota Senate finally heard the bill to convey Crosswinds to Perpich on Wednesday, March 6. Senator Kevin Dahle presented SF530 to the Senate Education Committee, supported by testimony from Sue Mackert, Susan Larson, Mary Cecconi, Eric and Nate Celeste, Mike Boguszewski, Leslye and Kai’li Taylor, Dan Larson, Laurel LeBlanc (reading Abby’s words), and Tami Bayne-Kuscmarski. In addition many others submitted written testimony to the committee.

Senators Kent and Torres Ray raised concerns about Crosswinds enrollment numbers, noting that Crosswinds had seen a decline while Harambee numbers held steady. They implied that the situation at Crosswinds and Harambee was similar so the decline must reflect something about the quality of Crosswinds. Of course, we realize that Harambee had a clearly understood future with Roseville while Crosswinds was constantly threatened with closure, a situation we will have to make clearer at the bill’s next stop. Even given these concerns, the committee unanimously passed the bill on to the Senate Finance Committee’s E-12 Division for further consideration.

The Crosswinds bill is now awaiting its hearing in the Senate Finance Committee’s E-12 Division (likely some time the week of 3/17).
