Eight of us (Amy, Barbara, Eric, Heidi, Jeff, Kara, Shannon, and Tina) met yesterday at Crosswinds. Anyone who was there should feel free to add notes from the meeting in the comments. This is just a record of some of the decisions we made.
We will try for a regular time for future meetings: 4th Wednesdays at 7pm.
We are going to ask EMID to post study session packets on the web.
We are going to try to raise funds for the digital video camera EMID intends to buy to record board meetings.
The next District 622 subgroup meeting will be at 6:30 on Thursday, 3/27, at the Maplewood Public Library on Southlawn.
We are going to make a list of parents who are willing to attend member-district board meetings with EMID staff. We hope to find at least one volunteer parent from each district.
We demonstrated how to register for leaving comments on this site (see that little “register” link down to the left?). If you would like to be an author on the site (create articles like this one), then please send a note to info@emidfamilies.org after you complete your registration.