White paper to recommend closing integrated schools

Today’s EMID board meeting lasted five hours! First the bad news, then a bit of better news.

Interim EMID Superintendent Jerry Robicheau made it very clear that the superintendents of EMID member districts want to close Harambee and Crosswinds at the end of the 2011/2012 school year and that he agrees with them. Robicheau will be writing a “white paper” with the other superintendents to spell this recommendation out more clearly. He promised the white paper within a couple weeks.


A few board members made it very clear that the superintendents were in the driver’s seat on this one. In large part, the board is deferring to their expertise and opinion. In an odd sort of way, this clarity at least helps us understand where the battle lines are drawn.

The first hour of the meeting was taken up with the most heartfelt and amazing testimony from 20 parents and students. Over 200 people attended to cheer them on and let the board know that we appreciate what Harambee and Crosswinds do for the community. A number of board members were moved by the testimony and the many letters they had been receiving. We also delivered the EMID-SOS petition to the board, which topped out at 462 signatures.

The senior staff of the district also made an impassioned plea for the work they do both at the schools and for member districts. Former board chair Bruce Hagerty also made a forceful argument for a more coherent process and questioned the urgency with which the board was acting.

All in all it was a powerful night that left some board members questioning the wisdom of moving as fast as they have been. A few also made strong requests for more data from the superintendents. Clearly some are uncomfortable with the rational for the superintendent’s recommendations. This is far from the end of the process, so don’t despair!

A big thank you to everyone who took part today! We will keep you posted on next steps.


One thought on “White paper to recommend closing integrated schools

  1. Mollie

    A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.
    I am very disappointed to hear not only about the decision, but also about the haste that is being shown with regards to this decision. Please recognize that while this may be only 1%, there are still MANY people affected by your decision, and I urge you to take your time and make a good decision.

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