EMID Board Considers New Proposal from Superintendents

After presenting a preliminary recommendation to close EMID schools at the last board meeting, the member district superintendents came forth with a second recommendation: keep EMID schools open without spending any integration revenues on the schools themselves. The board will vote on both options, to close and to restructure, at its next meeting on Wednesday, October 19, at 5:30pm at Crosswinds.

The proposed restructuring of EMID finances would reduce member district contributions of integration funds by 43% to $30 per student and require that this money only be spent on the shared services EMID provides for member districts. The schools would be funded through the “per pupil ‘backpack’ money” that each student brings to EMID and an additional contribution per student from the EMID reserve funds. EMID has enough reserve funds to maintain this arrangement for two to four years while the state works out what to do with integration funding and EMID discerns what should be done with the schools in the long run.

It looked quite likely that the board would vote next week to not close the schools but to restructure the funding instead. However, both these options will be moved and both will be voted on, so there is still the very real chance the board could vote to close EMID schools at the end of this school year. We hope EMID families can find time to attend this critical meeting of the EMID board next week. There is a good chance the news will be positive, but a positive outcome is much more likely with the public keeping careful watch on the board’s work.

We recorded tonight’s meeting and have many notes that we will post as soon as possible.

One thought on “EMID Board Considers New Proposal from Superintendents

  1. Janae Peterson

    I just wanted to thank the families and the organizers of the EMID SOS website for their support through this ever changing situation with the school board / superintendents. Your efforts to keep the Harambee Teachers feeling supported has been appreciated. As well as your efforts in providing accurate and timely communication to other families in the district. Thank you for all you have done and are doing to continue to keep the two schools in operation in upcoming years!

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