Category Archives: Grade Structure

Harambee 5th graders can choose Harambee or Crosswinds for 6th grade

The EMID Board has decided to leave both Harambee (under Roseville management) and Crosswinds (under Perpich management) open next year, and Roseville plans to expand Harambee to include 6th grade next year.

This means Harambee 5th graders will now have a choice of Crosswinds or Harambee for 6th grade next year. If you have a Harambee 5th grader, please make sure to let Principal Kathy Griebel know whether you plan to stay at Harambee or move on to Crosswinds as soon as you can, so that Roseville and Perpich can plan for the appropriate class sizes.

For those of you who have been around EMID for a while, this will have a familiar ring to it. For a few years both Harambee and Crosswinds offered sixth grade. Now they will both have sixth grade again.

Guests at Crosswinds Site Council, 4/5

Crosswinds Site Council meeting on Monday (4/5) will be a particularly eventful and interesting one. Carl Wahlstrom and two board members will be at there to listen to parents and give an update on the task force progress. It will also feature a representative from the U of MN to talk about the Bush initiative that will bring many student teachers to Crosswinds. Site Council meetings are open to all parents, so whether you’ve been to one before or not, please feel welcome to join us at 6:30pm Monday at Crosswinds.

Facebook group for 11th and 12th grade

Please join the Parents + Students for 11th and 12th Grade at Crosswinds page on Facebook. They are trying to build a list of “100 reasons that adding 11th and 12th grade at Crosswinds is a good idea” and can use your help!

If any members of this group do not have Facebook accounts and are interested, it is free to sign up and there are no ongoing fees. It is a great way to stay connected with your student and their and his friends through media they are comfortable with. If you don’t have a Facebook account and want us to post ‘challenge responses,’ please feel free to email them to Christopher Porter.

Do you want 11th and 12th at Crosswinds?

I you would like to see 11th and 12th grade at Crosswinds, so that your kids could have their full high school years here, then please take a look at our grade structure task force pages. This won’t happen without some very active parents, so lift your voice if you want to see it become a reality. We have put talking points and sample letters on the website. Take a look!

The next opportunity for face-time with the EMID board will be Wednesday, 17 March, at Harambee. Even just being present can help the board understand our support.

Grade Structure Task Force Report, 2/17

The Grade Structure Task Force will be reporting its recomendations to the EMID Board at its next working group meeting on Wednesday, 2/17. This meeting starts at 6pm at Harambee. If you are curious about the results of this intensive look at whether Crosswinds should expand its grade levels, or want to be supportive of their message, please come to the meeting.

In brief, the task force recommends expanding Crosswinds through 12th grade and making an effort to streamline our message about the school’s focus. They also favor continuing the year-round calendar. Come to the meeting for details and to show we care about the outcome of this one.