Category Archives: PCAE

Perpich Center for Arts Education

Pioneer Press: At Crosswinds school in Woodbury, transfer’s complete, work begins

Christophper Magan wrote a story for the Pioneer Press today, “At Crosswinds school in Woodbury, transfer’s complete, work begins.” It describes the final conveyance of Crosswinds to Perpich.

Now Crosswinds is working to rebuild its staff and student enrollment. This year fewer than 175 students are enrolled at the school, which houses sixth- through 10th-graders. That’s fewer than one-third of the 544 students who were there in 2008.

“We are not ready to celebrate yet — there is still work to be done,” said Sue Mackert, Perpich executive director. “I don’t want Crosswinds ever to be in such a situation of instability ever again.”

That means the school will not only have to increase its enrollment, but also demonstrate the long-term value of a voluntary integration program.

Crosswinds Community Partnership, 6/2

Leslye Taylor wants to make sure that all Crosswinds families know they are invited to participate in the Crosswinds Community Partnership (CCP) meeting on Monday 6/2 at 6:30pm. Details in the agenda.

This is the agenda that included our input. This enables us with a time to speak together and look at what is before us voicing all of our perspectives openly. It’s a new beginning building relationship. Don’t hold back who you are, come to the CCP meeting and begin rebuilding our school… let Dr Hines get to know us as we get to know her in shared leadership. I’m really looking forward to these next steps with each of you in our work together.

Star Tribune: Minnesota chosen for Turnaround Arts program

Graydon Royce writes for the Star Tribune: Minnesota chosen for Turnaround Arts program.

Minnesota is one of three states chosen for the next phase of Turnaround Arts, a national initiative that uses the arts to improve student performance.

The Perpich Center for Arts Education in Golden Valley will direct the two-year program, with funding from the State Arts Board and the Minnesota Legislature.

Of course, Perpich has also just received authority to run Crosswinds on a permanent basis.

EMID Board to Celebrate Conveyance of Schools, 5/21

Jean Lubke, Executive Director of EMID, wants to let everyone know that the EMID board will mark the conveyance of the schools at their meeting tomorrow. Please join the board if you can! The meeting is at Crosswinds and starts at 5:30 on Wednesday.

The EMID Board will have a small celebration with the leaders of Perpich, Roseville, Crosswinds, Harambee, and our legislative advocates at the beginning of the Board meeting on Wednesday (5/21) at 5:30. You are most warmly welcome.

Please extend this invitation to the EMID Families and anyone else who has helped with this change.

Crosswinds and Harambee Get Legislative OK

60 years after the landmark ruling in Brown v Board of Education, we celebrate the success of our three-year collaboration between families, two school districts, and Minnesota House and Senate members which has culminated in a vote enabling both Crosswinds and Harambee to stay open.

Language included as part of bonding and finance bills passed last night (5/16/2014) grants final approval of the transfer of the schools to other districts while maintaining their integration mission. We anticipate that Governor Dayton will sign the bills soon. Harambee Community Cultures/Environmental Science Elementary, a K-6 school in Maplewood, will become a permanent member of ISD 623, Roseville Area Schools. Crosswinds School of Arts and Sciences, a 6-10 middle school in Woodbury, will join with Perpich Center for Arts Education.

Each of the schools has been operated by these respective districts for the past school year, under a temporary one-year management agreement with the East Metro Integration District 6067 (EMID). EMID had determined in 2013 that it no longer wanted to operate the schools, and would instead focus more on interdistrict support for integration programs and efforts. After the legislature failed to convey the schools last year, Roseville and Perpich were awarded the management agreements for this past transition year, based largely on their commitment to keep to the original integration mission of the schools.

“This is a great outcome” says Troy Stein, a parent of students at both EMID schools. “These schools are unique, with their model of successful voluntary integration, and their accessibility to kids from all over the entire east metro region. This is one of those stories where the legislature, the leadership of all the districts involved, the staff at the schools, and the families of the kids, will all be able to look back and say, ‘We did a wonderful thing!’”.

Partnering with families in this effort this year include EMID Director Jean Lubke, Superintendent of Roseville Area Schools John Thein, Director of Perpich Center for Arts Education Sue Mackert, House authors Representatives Joann Ward and Peter Fischer, and Senate authors Senators Chuck Wiger and Kevin Dahl along with countless other legislators, families, and friends.

Harambee (grades K-6) and Crosswinds (grades 6-10) remain open for enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year to students from the East Metro area. There is no cost and transportation is provided from some areas. For more information, see their respective websites at and

UPDATE: Here is an EMID Families press release about this legislative milestone.

Perpich Dinner and Art Fair, 5/3

As you know, the Perpich Center for Arts Education has been managing the Crosswinds Arts & Science School this year. All signs are pointing to success at the legislature over the next few weeks, so Perpich and Crosswinds may have a bright future. With this in mind, you may want to know about this upcoming event at Perpich.

Just 12 days left for you and your family to reserve your place at the Saturday May 3 “An Afternoon in Italy – Spaghetti Dinner and Art Fair!” The event, hosted by Perpich Foundation and Perpich Center for Arts Education, takes place from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (traditional and vegetarian spaghetti meal served from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) at Perpich Center. Registration and ticket purchases should be made soon at, either by credit card or by mailing in the registration form and a check.

We are receiving new raffle and auction items for the event every day. In addition to a “Be a Director for a Day in Hollywood” package, we have received an introductory course in conversational Italian, admission tickets and invitation for two to a final party at a major Colorado film festival, tickets for four to both Twins and a Saints baseball games, a family visit and workshop at the Minnesota Center for the Book Arts in Minneapolis, tickets to the Old Log Theater and the Cowles Center for Dance and the Performing Arts, jewelry designed by Perpich alum Karin Jacobson, a package of services at a local spa, autographed t-shirts and CDs from Perpich alum Har Mar Superstar, Italian gift baskets, family film night packages, tickets to the Matisse show at Minneapolis Institute of Arts, coupons for free oil changes for your car, numerous gift certificates for gelato and ice cream treats, a gift certificate from Pizzeria Lola (owned by Perpich Arts High alum Kim Lee), and much, much more.

We hope you and your family can join the fun on May 3! All proceeds from the event will be used to support arts education!

Italy perpich

Crosswinds Bill Passes Senate E12 Division, 3/18

This morning SF530, the bill conveying Crosswinds to Perpich, was the first item on the agenda of the E12 Division of the Senate Finance Committee. The bill was presented by its author, Sen. Dahle, and amended to take care of some finance and transportation issues. Great news: the bill made it over this very important hurdle!

Tom Melcher, of the Minnesota Department of Education, explained that one of the amendments just ensured that districts whose students attend Crosswinds did not get to charge the state for their “declining enrollment” in these cases. This effectively makes the future under Perpich similar to the past under EMID, when districts could also not make such charges to the state. With regard to transportation, the new language clarifies that Perpich will be able to seek integration funding for transportation as long as it files integration plans with MDE, again similar to the transportation situation under EMID. Though the final “fiscal note” was not yet complete, Melcher anticipated that it would show SF530 provides a net benefit to the state, rather than a net cost.

Testimony proceeded from Dr. Jean Lubke (Executive Director of EMID), Kitty Gogins (Chair of the EMID Board), Sue Mackert (Executive Director of Perpich), Dr. Carla Hines (Principal at Crosswinds), Kai’li Taylor (Crosswinds 9th grader), Eric Celeste (former Crosswinds parent), and Mike Boguszewski (former Crosswinds parent). Many other parents and students surrounded the final three testifiers to show the committee the strength of our support, and written testimony was also provided from many of you.

With very little discussion, the E12 Division voted to “lay over” the bill with Chair Wiger for inclusion in the Senate Finance omnibus. This is very good news. Sen. Wiger gave a supportive little talk after the vote. This leaves the future of SF530 very much in his hands and the hands of the Senate Finance Chair, Sen. Dick Cohen. Of course, this is the legislature, so other complications may arise.

Thank you to all of you who have helped us get so far on this road. Today was a big step, only possible due to your actions over the past few years. At this point we need to thank our supporters, please help us by sending kind notes to:

And you may also want to send a note asking for support for SF530 from Sen. Dick Cohen as Chair of the Senate Finance committee.

Crosswinds Hearing with Senate E12 Finance, Tuesday 3/18

SF530, the bill to convey Crosswinds to Perpich, is scheduled for another hearing the the Minnesota Senate tomorrow. This time the bill will be heard by the E12 Division of the Senate Finance Committee in Room 112 of the Capitol, Tuesday, March 18, 8:30-11am. Join us at the capitol if you can!

Please visit our Contacting Your Representatives page for more details on how to ask your own senator to support SF530.

Crosswinds bill passes Senate Education Committee, 3/6

After a year of delay, the Minnesota Senate finally heard the bill to convey Crosswinds to Perpich on Wednesday, March 6. Senator Kevin Dahle presented SF530 to the Senate Education Committee, supported by testimony from Sue Mackert, Susan Larson, Mary Cecconi, Eric and Nate Celeste, Mike Boguszewski, Leslye and Kai’li Taylor, Dan Larson, Laurel LeBlanc (reading Abby’s words), and Tami Bayne-Kuscmarski. In addition many others submitted written testimony to the committee.

Senators Kent and Torres Ray raised concerns about Crosswinds enrollment numbers, noting that Crosswinds had seen a decline while Harambee numbers held steady. They implied that the situation at Crosswinds and Harambee was similar so the decline must reflect something about the quality of Crosswinds. Of course, we realize that Harambee had a clearly understood future with Roseville while Crosswinds was constantly threatened with closure, a situation we will have to make clearer at the bill’s next stop. Even given these concerns, the committee unanimously passed the bill on to the Senate Finance Committee’s E-12 Division for further consideration.

The Crosswinds bill is now awaiting its hearing in the Senate Finance Committee’s E-12 Division (likely some time the week of 3/17).


Crosswinds Hearing in the Senate, Thursday 3/6

Exciting news for all of us who waited through the whole 2013 session without a hearing in the MN Senate, this year we are getting our first Senate hearing right up front! Join us in Room 112 of the Capitol, Thursday, March 6, Noon-2:30pm for a hearing of the Senate Education Committee on SF530, the bill to convey Crosswinds to Perpich.

If you can’t be at the hearing, then please consider writing a testimony for the conveyance of Crosswinds to Perpich. We have a packet of testimony (PDF) from parents to the House last year that might provide some inspiration. Just send your testimony to by Tuesday 3/4, and we will make sure it gets to the committee. Visit our Contacting Your Representatives page for more details.

Sue Mackert, Executive Director of Perpich, will join us at our EMID Families meeting on Sunday (3/2, 3pm, Rondo Library, Saint Paul) to fill us in on plans for the legislative session.