Category Archives: Strategic Planning

EMID Board considers “Phase 2” planning process

By the time the EMID Board met on 11/16 Interim Superintendent Robicheau had come up with a proposal that completely superseded the one presented in the board packet last month. The board is now considering an “EMID Planning Process, Phase II” that looks like this:


At the board meeting Robicheau said he intended to include parents on the “Leadership Team.” When asked for details of how families could get involved in this process and become part of the Leadership Team, Robicheau responded:

This process has been facilitated with the help of a couple of board members who have used this in their districts. We are assembling a core group, 6 people, board member, superintendent, staff and Melissa Krull, to develop a Guiding Decision Document. This is an outline of how the process will work and identifies some of the givens and the unacceptables. This work will be done December 7. It will go to the school board December 21. Included in this is the structure and make up of a Design Team. This Design Team will be responsible to seek stakeholder input before anything is developed. Once they seek stakeholder input they will consider some options that are grounded in the input. These options will then be brought back to the stakeholders for input/reaction. Once that is completed a refined option will be developed and that again will be brought to the stakeholders for input. It will then be brought to board for consideration. The goal is to have a recommendation to the board in May.

At our December 7th meeting we will work on the structure and makeup of the Design Team. I anticipate we will look to engage parent and staff representation on the Design team.

Please consider whether you’d be interested in a role on the Design Team and be prepared to let Dr. Robicheau know of your interest or ideas when the time comes.