EMID Board to consider planning timeline

The EMID School Board will meet on Wednesday (11/16) to consider a strategic planning timeline proposed by Jerry Robicheau. The board meeting begins with an open forum at 5:30pm at the Harambee Elementary School.

Robicheau proposes (PDF) that the EMID Board hire Dr. Melissa Krull (recently the superintendent in Eden Prarie who suffered setbacks after shifting the boundaries to improve integration there) as a consultant to help EMID conduct a “Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats (SWOT) analysis” and create a work group to build a “road map” for the district. The board will discuss and probably approve the process at its meeting Wednesday.

Also on the agenda will be Dr. Robicheau’s report, including a review of the members appointed to the new Integration Revenue Task Force. The board will also have a rare “closed meeting to discuss negotiations with employee groups” toward the end of the meeting.

The agenda (PDF), and full board packet for the November meeting is available at EMID.

The board meeting is (mostly) open to the public and anyone can share input with the board during the open forum at the start of the meeting.