Review for 2 29 07

Hi people,
Today I will be reviewing Madden NFL 08 for the Wii. I will start out by saying it uses the Wiimote and Nunchuck perfectly. For example you flick the Wiimote up to snap the ball and flick it down to throw the football to a WR. Then you also have great graphics on the game plus an instant replay system you can not beat. The 1 thing I don’t like about is how often the refs call penalties in the game. All together I give this game a 9 out of 10.

see you later,

Starting Up Again

Hi today is February 29 2008. My dad had not blogged for about 2 years and he just started up again. His blog is called Life Is A Mystery . So I decided it’s time I start again. I was thinking about what to write about. My moms blog does all the religious stuff her blog is called Tensegrities and my brother covers technology with his blog Day By Day. Then my dad does all the political stuff with his blog. So I’m going to do video game reviews and stuff like that.

So, Nathaniel out

Wiener Technische Museum

Hi guy’s

A few days ago we went to the Wiener Technische Museum. Which is a technical museum and had lot’s of cool stuff. Like the science museum but much bigger with more stuff.


when it’s hot we get wet

hi guy’s
we are having a big heat wave right now and my mom has to cook a turkey dinner on the hottest day for oma’s b-day. anyways a few days ago we went to a pool that was a whole island on the alte donau. so we went and got a nice shadowy place near a beach and we went swimming in the donau and the wave pool.

bye Nathaniel


My dad got a new camera. So I got the family camera. Which is old but works. It is blue and the lens flips out to take pictures.

Weather is good here.


The weather is great cool and rainy. Did you like my last entry? It was fiction writing.

please write an answer in a comment.


Kool and rain NO WAY

Today is 6-25-2007 a.d.
Today is burning hot. No chance of rain. It is drying up here we are low on water and food. This is might be the last entry in this blog. We are not dead yet but it will happen soon.


walk of lost

Today we decided to try out a new bus called the Wiener Wald Bus. It was comfortable and pretty. We got lost a tiny bit and got home ok. It was not so fun.

my book

Hi guys

you have came here today to learn about my book. I have been reading a young james bond book called double or die. so far he has figured out 2 of the seven clues. most using anagrams. He also almost got killed.


hi guys how are you doing? I am doing fine. I do not have much to write about. But my dad and I are going to italy soon.
