Fact Check: South Washington County

EMID and South Washington County School Board member Jim Gelbmann misrepresented what has gone on at EMID board meetings to his South Washington County board colleagues at their February meeting. This clip compares statements Mr. Gelbmann made at the February 21 South Washington County board meeting with statements he and others made at the January 23 EMID board meeting one month earlier. The full SWC board video is available online at their website. Unfortunately EMID does not document their meetings as fully, the video used here was shot by a parent at that meeting.

EMID Families asks you to please support the EMID-Perpich legislation before the Minnesota House and Senate. Unfortunately, the EMID board did ultimately force Mr. Gelbmann’s April 1st deadline proposal on Perpich, so we have very little time to win support. See our pages about Crosswinds and Contacting Your Representative for more information.