Crosswinds bill SF530 needs hearing in MN Senate education committee

Our EMID-Perpich bill to rescue Crosswinds is stalled in the Minnesota Senate, and we don’t have a second to lose. Remember, this bill needs to be passed before April 1st or the school will go to South Washington County and the program will be killed. We need your help!

Sen. Patricia Torres Ray, Chair of the Senate Education Committee, has not scheduled a hearing of SF530. We have heard that she is unlikely to do so without significant pressure from her constituents. Please look at her District 63 map below and send a plea to anyone you know who lives in the area of south Minneapolis she represents. Ask them to please call her office at 651-296-4274, let her staff know they are a constituent of the Senator’s, and ask that she promptly schedule a hearing for SF530 so that Perpich’s proposal may be considered.


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One thought on “Crosswinds bill SF530 needs hearing in MN Senate education committee

  1. Eric

    FYI, for those who are in district, Sen. Torres Ray is holding a town hall meeting on Saturday. It would be wonderful to get some people there to ask for a hearing on SF530.

    Saturday, March 2
    Rep. Davnie/Sen. Torres Ray town hall:
    Longfellow Park & Recreation Center
    3435 36th Ave S, Mpls 55406
    9:30-10:30 a.m.

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