MGCC Board Sends Area 21 Permit Change on to City Council

The Macalester Groveland Community Council Board approved the resolution of its Transportation Committee to support our Area 21 parking petition in its journey to the Saint Paul City Council. As has been the case at each hearing so far, opponents of the petition did show up, but they were all from residences outside the petition area.

The board more or less felt it was their duty to pass along our petition since we’d done everything we were asked to do and were following a clearly laid out process. Some members of the board expressed sympathy for those who don’t believe parking permits are an appropriate tool for those living in the city, but only one board member ended up actually voting against the resolution.

Next stop: City Hall.

We expect the petition to be heard at the March 21 meeting of the council. Public comment starts at 5:30 in the Council Chambers, Room 300 at City Hall, 15 Kellogg Blvd. W. This is the final step of the process and we will definitely need all the advocates we can get at this meeting.

Highland Villager: Concerns raised over changing permit parking area near St. Thomas

Jane McClure writes in the Highland Villager: “Concerns raised over changing permit parking area near St. Thomas.” (Wednesday, 8 February 2012, page 12, is anyone else as annoyed as I am that the Villager is not online?)

The article covers the 1/23 MGCC Transportation Committee meeting. She quotes several neighbors, misspelling names along the way:

“Permit parking is not popular,” said Eric Hess, who lives in the area of Lincoln that does not have permit parking now. “People would love to have the street back in the evenings and not have to use visitor passes.”

“We’d like summers off,” said Lincoln Avenue resident Kristine Anderson.

McClure also covered the opposition to changes in Area 21 parking:

“What we’re concerned about is that we’re taking one block’s problem and pushing it onto another,” [Lenny Russo] said.

The article notes that the full MGCC board will be voting on the Area 21 parking permit request tomorrow evening, February 9, during their 6:45pm meeting at the Edgecumbe Rec Center. Neighbors concerned about the issue should consider attending to make sure the board hears from all sides of the issue.