Be Our Grid 3 Representative!

After years of excellent service, David Redmond has decided not to run for another term as our Grid 3 representative. Many thanks to David for all the great work he has done for us! Now we need to find a new Grid 3 representative for the Mac Groveland Community Council. How about you?

A grid representative serves a three year term on the Mac Groveland board. You would represent the area bounded by Cleveland, Summit, Fairview, and Goodrich, just a few blocks of the immediate neighborhood. Here’s what you’d be part of, with much more information available on the “macgrove” website: “The Macalester-Groveland Community Council was created to facilitate communication between the residents of the area and elected officials. Our mission is to foster citizen participation in government and community decisions that make our neighborhood a desirable place to live, work, and play.”

In addition to representing your grid, you’d be asked to participate in one committee. These include: Beautification, Community Outreach, Environment, Housing and Land Use, Long Range Planning, and Transportation. So whether your interest is gardening, recycling, bicycling, planning, or improving the neighborhood in any way, there’s a way to do it with your neighbors.

The Community Council would like to have a representative for Grid 3 as soon as possible. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Joel Clemmer or Eric Celeste.