Highland Park Library Kicks Off Major Renovation Project

On Sunday, December 1, at 5 p.m., the Highland Park Library will close its doors until fall of 2014 as it embarks on a major renovation project that will result in an additional 5,000 square feet of public space, expanded spaces for teens and children, additional computer stations, a large library community room, and many other updates. Site plans can be viewed at sppl.org/renovations.

To celebrate the upcoming remodel, Highland Park Library, 1974 Ford Parkway, 651-695-3700, is hosting a Siesta Fiesta on Sunday, December 1, from 1 to 5 p.m. There will be face painting, live music, refreshments, a library scavenger hunt, and prizes galore!

Many programs and services will continue off-site while this library location is closed. Preschool storytimes, Mondays at 10:30 a.m., and book club meetings, one Wednesday a month at 6:45 p.m., will be held in the Hillcrest Rec Center; Amharic storytimes will move to Homecroft Early Learning Center; and job search assistance, Paw Pals, and Dr. Who group meetings will be held at the Merriam Park Library, 1831 Marshall Ave, 651-642-0385.

Highland library renovation

[This news is courtesy of Kathy Carruth, Executive Director, Highland District Council.]

Mac Groveland Survey

Some of you filled out this survey during our block party, but for those who missed it, the Mac Groveland Community Council would really like your opinion on future priorities. Please take a moment to respond!


The MGCC is updating its 10-year Community Plan that will guide decisions for the Macalester-Groveland neighborhood and the City of Saint Paul. They need to hear from you.

Macalester-Groveland 10-year Community Plan

Our block is part of Grid 3 on the MGCC, and we have a new representative for Grid 3, Cathy Plessner. Cathy wanted to let us know about a survey the MGCC is running to seek your input on neighborhood priorities.

The Macalester Groveland Community Council (MGCC) is updating its 10-year Community Plan that will guide decisions for the Macalester-Groveland neighborhood and the City of Saint Paul. The mission of MGCC is to foster citizen participation in government and community decisions that make our neighborhood a desirable place to live, work, learn and play. MGCC is seeking community input on what to Keep, Improve, Start and Stop in our community. Please complete our survey online at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/macgroveplan-GNO

Cathy Plessner
Grid 3 Representative
2038 Summit Avenue

Area 21 Permit Pushback

Some residents of Area 21 who live on the south side of Summit Avenue had a conversation with the Transportation Committee of the Mac Groveland Community Council on April 22nd to ask that they be removed from Area 21 and added to Area 19 or 20 to join the north side of Summit Avenue. Their concern is that the new hours have allowed evening students of St. Thomas to park on Summit for their classes.

The Transportation Committee has supported their request for a petition to change the boundaries of the parking areas, and that request is now going to the city transportation staff for review. It is not yet clear who all would have to sign off on that petition or what percentage of signatures they would require.

If this moves ahead as planned, then it would not change the rules on Lincoln, Grand, or Goodrich. Have folks noticed any downsides of the new rules anywhere else in Area 21?

Be Our Grid 3 Representative!

After years of excellent service, David Redmond has decided not to run for another term as our Grid 3 representative. Many thanks to David for all the great work he has done for us! Now we need to find a new Grid 3 representative for the Mac Groveland Community Council. How about you?

A grid representative serves a three year term on the Mac Groveland board. You would represent the area bounded by Cleveland, Summit, Fairview, and Goodrich, just a few blocks of the immediate neighborhood. Here’s what you’d be part of, with much more information available on the “macgrove” website: “The Macalester-Groveland Community Council was created to facilitate communication between the residents of the area and elected officials. Our mission is to foster citizen participation in government and community decisions that make our neighborhood a desirable place to live, work, and play.”

In addition to representing your grid, you’d be asked to participate in one committee. These include: Beautification, Community Outreach, Environment, Housing and Land Use, Long Range Planning, and Transportation. So whether your interest is gardening, recycling, bicycling, planning, or improving the neighborhood in any way, there’s a way to do it with your neighbors.

The Community Council would like to have a representative for Grid 3 as soon as possible. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Joel Clemmer or Eric Celeste.