Area 21 Parking Permit Petition Passes City Council (barely)

A number of neighbors stood up tonight in support of the Area 21 parking permit changes. This was important, since a number also rose to oppose the change. Thanks to everyone who wrote emails and spoke up, your voice was critical. In fact, the petition only barely passed, on a 4-3 vote of the council. Russ Stark supported the petition and Chris Tolbert opposed it.

The next step for the neighborhood is the RSVP construction. We don’t expect to see signs for the new permit until after that construction is complete, some time in the fall of this year.

Area 21: Write or Call City Council Today, Join us Wednesday

This is it! City Council holds its hearing on the Area 21 parking permit petition this week, on Wednesday 3/21. The hearing will be at 5:30 in the basement (Room 40 A & B) of City Hall (15 Kellogg Blvd). Please join your neighbors in support of the petition one last time.

Whether or not you can be at the City Council meeting on Wednesday, please consider writing to members of the council. I’ve prepared a list of their addresses (PDF), that includes their email addresses since snail mail probably won’t arrive before the meeting. Phone numbers are also on the list if you wish to give them a call. It is most critical to communicate with Russ Stark (who represents those of us on Lincoln west of Prior) and Chris Tolbert (who represents residents of Lincoln east of Prior), but we need support from everyone for the petition to be passed. Please let them know why you support the changes and extension of the Area 21 permit, give them a sense of who lives in the neighborhood and why this is important to us.

We will only have a few minutes to make our case on Wednesday, so we should really coordinate the message we want to get across. If you can join me tomorrow evening, Tuesday 3/20 at 7pm, 1993 Lincoln Avenue, that would be very helpful. I’d like to talk over testimony, make sure we cover all the bases.